ph: 402-555-1212
This is my little place on the web. At the moment, there isn't much going on here. I'm still in the process of developing the content that will be gracing these pages. Some of what you may find here will be things that I'm playing around with - a sandbox, of sorts, for me to try things out. Eventually, you will find some useful resources that will, hopefully, help to make your online experiences better.
So, please check back again from time to time. I should be updating something here on a fairly regular basis, whether it is something on the site pages or my blog. You can check out my blog here.
This space is one of the defaults from the template that I choose for this first iteration of the site. I'm going to call this version 0.1-alpha. It's meant as a brief introduction of me, etc....
So, what do I do? Quite a lot, actually. But for the relevant part and why I might be someone you should listen to, well, I'm a computer geek who's been at this since the term was originally 'computer nerd'. I've been around since the days of bulletin boards and FidoNet. I've worked as a support tech for a finance company,a support tech for a web hosting company and currently as a data center tech for a large internet company. I've seen good and bad sites and I have dealt with people with technical backgrounds ranging from those who barely know how to turn on and use a computer up to professional web developers and network engineers.
Um, no. Don't. I used to spend all day on the phone. Now, I don't have a phone at my desk. I really like that. There isn't anything that I do that requires the use of a phone. If you just happen to find a phone number on this site, it's for information. No, really. I'm not kidding. Try it. I dare ya to.
Copyright 2016 My Domain Ends With dot Net. All rights reserved.
ph: 402-555-1212